Rainbow Carlota
This week has been very eventful and we were delighted to be invited to do a Q&A session with Max at Millamia as they wanted to showcase the Carlota dress. You can read the full interview below…
It is so inspiring to us in the MillaMia team to see our designs out in the world, and interpreted in ways that we couldn’t have ever foreseen! The skill and vision that our customers and stockists have in reproducing a garment from one of the collections, but in a way that looks unique and fresh is something that always excites me.
And so this week I wanted to share with you the most incredible version of the Carlota Dress – one of my personal favourites – knitted by the lovely Lucy Bush fromWoolaballoo. Lucy very kindly agreed to answer some questions about her beautiful Carlota and share some pics – thanks Lucy!
1) What inspired your Rainbow Carlota and who is the lucky recipient?
I completely fell in love with the Limited Edition colours and new Berry shade in the Millamia collection and wanted to start a project where I could integrate all of the gorgeous vibrant colourways. I have knit it for my daughter Alice who is often at Woolaballoo with me and so she can show it off in person!
2) How long did it take you to knit it?
Overall it didn’t take me that long to knit as the stripe pattern kept my interest but I actually made it alongside a number of other projects as I can never stick to one thing at a time! I think if I had done it all in one go it would probably have taken me about a week to complete.
3) How many balls of yarn did it take and do you now have LOTS of left overs in all of the colours?
It took 10 balls of yarn for the age 2-3 but I reckon there is enough yarn left over to create another whole dress by changing the colourways around!
4) As well as another Carlota, any pattern suggestions for using up your scraps?
I may also use the scraps up to fashion another Millamia favourite of mine which is the Teddy Blanket which is a really easy knit for a novice and again is a simple striped pattern ideal for using up all those oddments. I have also downloaded your Smilla Hat patternwhich is another great little design for using up all those bits and pieces.
5) I have to ask if the thought of sewing in all those ends gave you sleepless nights? And, dare I ask, how long did that part take?
It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be in the end but my advice would be to do this bit as you go along as it is a bit of a chore when you just want to show it off!
If you are as inspired by Lucy’s Rainbow Carlota Dress as I am, and have a special little girl to knit one for, then Lucy has made up some special kits with all of the yarn required! Give Lucy a call at the shop on 0191 580 0103 – she’s always happy to help out.