Autumnal air

The weather is definitely beginning to turn, the night’s are starting to draw in and there is a distinct chill in the air.  This week I have been trying to take some time out and enjoy the autumnal air before silly season kicks in.  Over the half term week we have been taking long walks in the country, visiting friends and relatives and trying to take a little “time out” just for us.

Skipwith Common

We’ve been spending some our “down time” feeding our geo-caching addiction and the little people have been delighted with some of the more tricky caches they have found on our travels. Sometimes even the most eagle-eyed have to look extra specially hard to spot them.


Small cache


We even manage to stumble across some with a spooky theme given that it was Hallowe’en during the half-term break…

Spooky Halloween Cache

and found the time to carve a scary pumpkin…


So after lots of time spent kicking up the leaves and jollying about it is back to earth with a rather large bump this week as the reality dawns that the Harrogate Knitting and Stitching Show is just a mere fortnight away, time to get packing I think! But just for today I think I might just indulge myself in my little woolly wonderland as it seems to be just the weather for cosying up and making something lovely!


Thanks for popping by. Enjoy the bonfires this weekend, wrap up warm and most importantly, stay safe. See you all soon. xx

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